Call HEAL 1 to someone after 10s of medical roleplay.
Wield one weapon.
Have 3 hits.
Wear armor to gain 3 more hits, if they wish. This does NOT need to be physrepped.
Have 6 psyche.
Regain all hits and psyche between encounters.
Die 4 times per character lifetime without being rendered unplayable.
Speak quietly on their death count.
Have enough to live on. (You can be anything from dirt poor to comfortable depending on player preference.)
Source a set of standard equipment between adventures.
Source 2 Imperial Essence (call FIGHT ON! to a target within sword reach by scattering ash across them) between adventures.
Execute an unresisting target by spending 10s of appropriate roleplay killing them.
Drag an unconscious or bleeding person slowly by using both hands (nb: do not actually drag them).
Every 6 adventures, gain a
Quality on one of your items.