It is the Burying of Regrets, a festival during which losses, grievances and regrets are mourned, then put aside.
This year, the Orders of Paladins have summoned the Citizens of Rastaban to the Great Court in the Boulevard, to try and finally put an end to the Icon Question, a doctrinal dispute which has existed for as long as anyone can remember, and which has only grown more divisive in recent years. Simply put, the question is this: whether it is ever appropriate to depict the Muses as people, or only ever in the guise of their sacred item.
There are, broadly speaking, three factions:
the iconoclasts, who would see all human icons destroyed, even those belonging to Paladins;
the individualists, those that believe that human depictions of the muses should never be displayed publicly, but that it is acceptable for individual Paladins to fashion their own icons how they wish;
the iconophiles that believe that depicting the Muses as people is the most correct way and needs to be encouraged.
The Grandmasters are looking to put together a formal recommendation to the Silent Regent to settle the dispute once and for all.
Following the new law, Great House Telemere, like every house, is proactive in ensuring the new law is upheld. On the advice of Peleus Perin, they adopt the following definition for a depiction of a Muse:
“A work made to look sufficiently godly, or clearly embodies the same qualities as a given Muse is said to” and using this, several prominent works of the Muses as people are destroyed.
In Esteban, the Great House works to quickly remove any dubious pieces of art. A few Actuaries are approached by Elias of Esteban who offers to purchase works they would otherwise have to dispose of, or ensure were carefully hidden away. A few accept the offer, others decline, taking the risk upon themselves.
Tipped off by Sly Genet, Rom is quick to replace one of its prominent statues with a joint work between Aldrich Kamali and Cyan Habreham of the Shapers’ College, depicting <SOMETHING PERFECT>
‘Great House’ Keelen reports that the matter is being handled.