Citizens gather at the Silver Laird to enjoy a feast of Ember Day Tart, rice, beans, buttered wortes and apple tart with hot spiced juice to drink.
Noitburg ponders whether or not they may unknowingly be related to the Stingelhelms. They come to the conclusion that it is very unlikely.
Thess flirts shamelessly with everyone, including Master Commissioner Draconis in front of his two daughters, resulting in the offer of a mountain-side date.
Thess shows off her abilities, scorching the furniture to the delight of Cassi but the alarm of Zosime.
A deal is struck between Cassi and Thess that in the future, Cassi will provide a claw mutation in return for Thess' participation in experiments.
A mysterious cloaked figure lurks in the corner, saying little but taking an interest in mentions of the Stingelhelms.
The arrival of Sofia Darling sparks a battle of verbal wits, mostly between them and Thess, though Noitburg raises some astute points and even Mabel manages to return a few good barbs. As Sofia points out though, at least Aurelia isn't there.
Aurelia turns up.
Thess and Mabel agree to go and have a friendly fight in the street, much to Noitburg's disapproval.