Character | Goals |
Jeremiah Stingelhelm | Learn how to defend the innocent more effectively against Forest possession. Figure out what the heck is going on with King Crescientus and maybe replace him as King of Telemere. |
Gaenevra | Become perfect. |
Peleus Perin | General: Find out more about the planes/planar magic, particularly Connection. Specific: Find out about his scrolls written in a strange language - the plan is to peruse the writer's rooms in Connection. See his items and The Dig for details. |
Loriel | Get close to House Telemere and investigate the possibility of a forest touched in their ranks |
Sibylla Fray | To advance to a position of power in the Barrens |
Mordecai | Discover what true strength is. |
Sato Cross | Kill the Emperor. |
Garrek of the wheel | Free the multi-coloured person seen in the majesty of colours from the Nondescript figures. |
Heston | Change the nature of the connection it embodies |
Frond | Create (more) Life. Ascend to Godhood. |
Carmen Montiel | Find a way to get the Magos to fully manifest in this world. Achieve ultimate power. |
Sly Genet | Go to the seaside. |
Elijin | Kill the Silent Regent. |
Cassielly | More avoiding the cult of the Mystikos |
Sofia Darling | Make the throne proud Kill the throne and assume its place |
Sowe Nayoung | Regain her memories before the forest |
Benten Gear | Gain a title of grand commissioner and keep his friends and family as safe and above the law as possible |
Gidie Berger | Long term (likely unachievable) goal: Ameliorate the prejudice toward the Forest Touched that is so prevalent in Rastaban Short term goal: Learn more about various planes, particularly that one…unusual…one he saw after his third death |
Noitburg | OC character direction: Grow within the Order of the Torch; actually become devoted rather than seeing membership as a means to an end IC goal of the moment: Find out more about the Stingelhelms. They're almost positive they have no connection…but how can they be sure? |
Quinn Marshton | Find her younger brother who went missing within the Forest. Work within the Forester's Guild to show that Forest-Touched can be beneficial to society |
Jemil Tabriio | Discover the cause behind the fire which killed his family and make his way through the ranks of House Keelen. Continue to protect his friends so he doesn't lose them as well |
Gemini Doubt | Go to Eustragrath to find Quinn |
Lyra Averick | Expand her collection of exotic & magical objects. |
Iri Voronaya | Ally with entities of Deep Erosion to confine, destroy, or otherwise incapacitate Lakhesis. Ascend the ranks of the Order of the Rod. Possibly convert Mordecai along the way. |
Harken | ??? |
Countess Catarina Romaia | Storm (OC: Anata) the Blessing Dreamer, they can't stop all of us |
A Candle for the Night | Ally with the Mirror. Generate a story compelling enough to hold her sister's interest. Anger someone important enough to do something. |
Anoushka | Uphold her vow to the Rod by becoming a loyal, unquestioning soldier, probably. |
Mabel | Find the blue vortex sea people by following her marked hat. Engage in diplomacy, help them escape the vortex and retrieve hat. |
Beatrice | Figure out how to best honour the Shroud while striving for Perfection. |
A Cloth for the Eyes | Paint |