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general_skills [2018/04/04 22:38]
general_skills [2019/02/06 20:05]
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 You may purchase each Weapon Specialisation skill once.  You may purchase each Weapon Specialisation skill once. 
-  ​* Balanced: Gain a RESIST. You can only use this RESIST when on full hits.   +//​One-Handed Weapons// 
-  * Unbalanced: Certain triggers cause you to gain a STAGGER which you must use immediately on your next melee blow with that weapon. At the start of combat: gain a STAGGER. Every time you drop an enemy to 0 hits: gain a STAGGER. Whenever you drop to 0 hits: gain a STAGGER.  + 
-  * Dagger: You may call BACKSTABYou must wait 10s before using this ability ​with the same weapon ​hand againduring which time you cannot unequip this weapon+  ​* Balanced ​((As a rule of thumb, most one-handed swords and rapiers are classed as Balanced)): Gain a RESIST. You can only use this RESIST when on full hits.   
-  * Great Weapon: You may treat any blows which hit your forearms as hitting your weapon, so long as those forearms are holding the weapon.  +  * Unbalanced ​((As a rule of thumb, most one-handed axes, hammers and maces are classed as Unbalanced)): Certain triggers cause you to gain a STAGGER which you must use immediately on your next melee blow with that weapon. At the start of combat: gain a STAGGER. Every time you drop an enemy to 0 hits: gain a STAGGER. Whenever you drop to 0 hits: gain a STAGGER.  
-  * Spear: When hit by a REPEL, you may lose 3 hits to gain a RESIST which you must call immediately. +  * Dagger: You may call IMMUNE to any call which hits your dagger. 
-  * Staff: When you drop someone to 0 hits with this weapon: you may call HEAL 0 on them.  +  * Throwing Weapon: Whenever you hit someone'​s body with a throwing weapon (i.e. not their weapon ​or shield), you may call WOUND. 
-  Throwing WeaponWhenever ​you hit someone with throwing ​weapon, ​you may call WOUND+ 
 +//​Two-Handed Weapons// 
 +  * Great Weapon ​((As a rule of thumb, two-handed weapons that are not staffs or spears are classed as Great Weapons)): You may treat any blows which hit your forearms as hitting your weapon, so long as those forearms are holding the weapon.  
 +  * Spear: When hit by a STAGGER, you may lose 3 hits to gain a RESIST which you must call immediately. 
 +  * Staff: When you drop someone to 0 hits with this weapon: you may call HEAL 0 on them.   
 +**NB:** //These categories are partly arbitrary and designed to further fun. If you’re uncertain about what given weapon ​physrep would become and talk to us.// 
 ====Level 2==== ====Level 2====
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-  * Balanced: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter. +  * Balanced: Gain 1 STAGGER ​per encounter. 
-  * Unbalanced: Gain STUN per encounter.  +  * Unbalanced: Gain STUN per encounter.  
-  * Dagger: Gain WOUND per encounter.+  * Dagger: Gain WOUND per encounter. 
 +  * Throwing Weapons: When you have a throwing weapon readied, you may call IMMUNE to any effect calls which hit the forearm holding your throwing weapon.  
   * Great Weapon: Gain 1 STAGGER per encounter.   * Great Weapon: Gain 1 STAGGER per encounter.
-  * Spear: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.+  * Spear: Gain 1 STAGGER ​per encounter.
   * Staff: Gain 1 REPEL per encounter.   * Staff: Gain 1 REPEL per encounter.
-  * Throwing Weapons: When you have a throwing weapon readied, you may call IMMUNE to any effect calls which hit the forearm holding your throwing weapon. ​+
 ====Level 4==== ====Level 4====
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   * Balanced: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter. ​   * Balanced: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter. ​
-  * Unbalanced: Gain 1 STAGGER. Every time you drop an enemy, regain 1 hit.  +  * Unbalanced: Gain 1 STUN. Every time you drop an enemy, regain 1 hit.  
-  * Dagger: Gain 2 WOUND. ​You may call IMMUNE to any call which hits your dagger+  * Dagger: Gain 2 WOUND. ​ 
 +  * Throwing Weapon: The first time you run out of throwing weapons each encounter, gain 1 AGILITY 
   * Great Weapon: Gain 1 STUN per encounter.   * Great Weapon: Gain 1 STUN per encounter.
   * Spear: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.   * Spear: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.
   * Staff: Gain 1 STUN per encounter.   * Staff: Gain 1 STUN per encounter.
-  * Throwing Weapon: The first time you run out of throwing weapons each encounter, gain 1 AGILITY. ​+
 =====Fighting Style Skills===== =====Fighting Style Skills=====
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 =====Shield Fighter===== =====Shield Fighter=====
-//Uses a Shield ​in the off-hand//+//Uses a Shield//
 ====Level 1==== ====Level 1====
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   * You may use a buckler in either hand.    * You may use a buckler in either hand. 
-  * You may use a buckler ​to block damage+  * You can call IMMUNE to any effect call which hits a buckler ​you are holding. 
 +  * You may immediately make any call you take on your buckler back against the target 
 ===Use Medium Shield=== ===Use Medium Shield===
   * You may use a medium shield in either hand.   * You may use a medium shield in either hand.
-  * While using a medium shield, you may only take one small step every 1s ('​shield pace'​). ​ 
-  * Three times per encounter, you may use this ability: 
-      * For the next 10s, you may move as normal. ​ 
-===Use Large Shield=== 
-  * You may use a large shield in either hand. 
-  * While using a large shield, you may only take one small step every 1s ('​shield pace'​). ​ 
-====Level 2==== 
-===Buckler Expertise=== 
-//Pre-Req: Use Buckler// 
-  * You can call IMMUNE to any effect call which hits a buckler you are holding. ​ 
-===Medium Shield Expertise=== 
-  * You may move as normal while holding a medium shield in both hands, with no weapon in either hand. 
-  * Once per encounter, you gain an AGILITY which you may take while holding a shield in both hands with no weapon in either hand.  
-      * If you stop holding the shield in both hands, this AGILITY expires early. ​ 
-===Large Shield Expertise=== 
-  * You may move as normal while holding a large shield in both hands, with no weapon in either hand. 
 =====Ambidextrous===== =====Ambidextrous=====
-//​Uses ​a weapon in the off-hand//+//​Uses ​two one-handed weapons//
 ====Level 1==== ====Level 1====
 ===Ambidex=== ===Ambidex===
-  * You can use two weapons. +  * You may wield two weapons, one in each hand.  
-  * If you have the Weapon Specialisation skill for the type of weapon ​held in your off-hand, ​you gain the benefits of that skill for your off-hand weapon, too. +  * If you have purchased ​the Weapon Specialisation skill for the weapon you are using in your off hand, you may use that Weapon ​Specialisation
- +
-====Level 2==== +
- +
-===Harmony=== +
-//Pre-req: Ambidex// +
- +
-  * If you have the Weapon Talent or Weapon Mastery skills for the type of weapon held in your off-hand, you gain the benefits of these skills for your off-hand weapon, too. +
-  * You may only gain the Weapon ​Talent and Weapon Expertise skills for **one weapon** held in your off-hand this way per encounter.+
 =====Single Weapon Focus===== =====Single Weapon Focus=====
-//Equips ​nothing in the off-hand//+//Uses a one-handed weapon with nothing in the off-hand//
   * When you adopt the Single Weapon Focus fighting style, you may **not** hold a weapon or shield your off-hand for the rest of the encounter.   * When you adopt the Single Weapon Focus fighting style, you may **not** hold a weapon or shield your off-hand for the rest of the encounter.
 +  * You may swap your off hand / weapon hand freely so long as one hand remains the off-hand. ​
   * You may still throw Ichorwerk with your off-hand.   * You may still throw Ichorwerk with your off-hand.
   * This hand still counts as a free hand for the purposes of spellcasting and other non-weapon abilities.   * This hand still counts as a free hand for the purposes of spellcasting and other non-weapon abilities.
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   * +2 hits   * +2 hits
-===Beast of Burden=== +===Strong=== 
-  * You may carry extraordinary amounts without it slowing you down.  +  * You are particularly strong and fit
-  * You may carry as much as horse and cart without suffering ​any penalty.+  * You may carry a single unconscious or bleeding person at full speed. This does not take any hands.  
 +  * You may staunch this person by devoting a single hand to the purpose
 ====Level 4==== ====Level 4====
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 ===Strong Willed=== ===Strong Willed===
   * +2 psyche. ​   * +2 psyche. ​
-  * In addition, once per encounter, when taking ​an offensive ​effect call while Concentrating+  * Once per encounter, when an effect call or other trigger would cause you to lose Concentration
-  * This does not break Concentration, ​and you may continue to Concentrate ​successfully throughout ​the duration of this call.  +  * Avoid losing ​Concentration.  
-  * Optionally, you may call '​STRONG WILL'to indicate this has occurred.+  * In addition, you may continue to Concentrate ​through ​the duration of an effect ​call avoided in this way.  
 +  * You may call '​STRONG WILL' to indicate this has occurred.
 ====Level 2==== ====Level 2====
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 ===Strong Willed=== ===Strong Willed===
   * +2 psyche. ​   * +2 psyche. ​
-  * In addition, once per encounter, when taking ​an offensive ​effect call while Concentrating+  * Once per encounter, when an effect call or other trigger would cause you to lose Concentration
-  * This does not break Concentration, ​and you may continue to Concentrate ​successfully throughout ​the duration of this call.  +  * Avoid losing ​Concentration.  
-  * Optionally, you may call '​STRONG WILL'to indicate this has occurred. +  * In addition, you may continue to Concentrate ​through ​the duration of an effect ​call avoided in this way.  
 +  * You may call '​STRONG WILL' to indicate this has occurred.
 ====Level 4==== ====Level 4====
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 ===Strong Willed=== ===Strong Willed===
   * +2 psyche. ​   * +2 psyche. ​
-  * In addition, once per encounter, when taking ​an offensive ​effect call while Concentrating+  * Once per encounter, when an effect call or other trigger would cause you to lose Concentration
-  * This does not break Concentration, ​and you may continue to Concentrate ​successfully throughout ​the duration of this call.   +  * Avoid losing ​Concentration.  
-  * Optionally, you may call '​STRONG WILL'to indicate this has occurred. +  * In addition, you may continue to Concentrate ​through ​the duration of an effect ​call avoided in this way.  
 +  * You may call '​STRONG WILL' to indicate this has occurred.
 ===Stoicism=== ===Stoicism===
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 ===Stealth=== ===Stealth===
-  * You are skilled at hiding. +  * By suppressing your life energy, you are capable of masking your presence completelyEyes slide off you as you become insignificant.  
-    * You may start a combat in Stealth if you wish.  +  To enter Stealth, this takes 15 seconds of enhanced concentration. 
-    After 10 seconds of enhanced concentration, you may call DISAPPEARING as you hide+      * This enhanced concentration is broken by taking damage, moving, making calls, and attacking.  
-    * This enhanced concentration is broken by taking damage, moving, making calls, and attacking.  +      * You must crouch as though you were taking a STAGGER ​while performing this enhanced concentration
-    * You must crouch as though you were taking a STAGGER. ​  ​ +  * You may then call DISAPPEARING. ​  
-    * You may not move while under the effect of this DISAPPEARING call.  +      ​* You may not move while under the effect of this DISAPPEARING call. 
-    * You may end this DISAPPEARING at will by dropping your fingers and spending 2 seconds without making calls, moving, or attacking.  ​+      * This DISAPPEARING call lasts indefinitely.  
 +      ​* You may end this DISAPPEARING at will by dropping your fingers and spending 2 seconds without making calls, moving, or attacking. 
 +  * You may start a combat in Stealth if you wish.
-===Escape Artist===+===Backstab=== 
 +  * You may call BACKSTAB with daggers. You must wait 10s before using this ability with the same weapon hand again, during which time you cannot unequip this weapon. 
   * You are a hard person to imprison.   * You are a hard person to imprison.
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 ===Edificier=== ===Edificier===
-  * You are a skilled ​climber+  * You are a skilled ​at running and climbing
-  * At the start of each encounter, ​gain an AGILITYwhich you may use after 2s concentration.  +  * Once per encounter, ​by channeling energy into your legs, you can move at incredible speeds for a short time. 
-      This represents you climbing to gain an advantage in combat+  * Concentrate for 2s.  
 +  You may then call AGILITY.
 ===Survivalist=== ===Survivalist===
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      * You can find somebody who is well-disposed to you within your area.      * You can find somebody who is well-disposed to you within your area.
      * You understand the nuances of how law is enforced in your area, and can leverage this when under arrest. ​        * You understand the nuances of how law is enforced in your area, and can leverage this when under arrest. ​  
-===Find a Buyer (Downtime)=== 
-//Pre-req: Stomping Ground// 
-  * You can generally find a buyer for basic goods. 
-  * As a Downtime action: you can sell a secret or other expensive good to gain Favour.  ​ 
-===Find a Collector (Downtime)=== 
-//Pre-req: Find a Buyer// 
-  * You can find a buyer for more esoteric or forbidden items. ​ 
-  * As a Downtime action: you can sell an esoteric or forbidden item to gain Favour or something of equivalent value. ​ 
-  * Such an action is not without risk.  
 ===Knowledge=== ===Knowledge===
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   * As a Downtime action: you may publish your latest research. ​   * As a Downtime action: you may publish your latest research. ​
       * This downtime action guarantees a good circulation of your work throughout Rastaban, especially to those who would take an interest in your findings. ​       * This downtime action guarantees a good circulation of your work throughout Rastaban, especially to those who would take an interest in your findings. ​
-=====Wealth Skills===== 
-  * These skills represent your character gaining material resources at the cost of influence within the city. 
-  * These skills cost favour in addition to XP. 
-====Level 1==== 
-===Wealth 1=== 
-//Cost: 10 favour//. 
-  * You have enough money to be comfortable,​ probably owning a townhouse somewhere in the city. During the adventure you can cover any minor expenses such as caravan fares, drinks in pubs, basic adventuring supplies etc. without issue. 
-  * Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: bribing a mook, buying passage aboard a caravan going to your destination,​ paying a specialist for information,​ paying a gang of urchins to accomplish a simple off-screen task.  
-===Wealth 2=== 
-//Cost: 25 favour// 
-  * You are wealthy. You most likely own a manor somewhere in the city. You can purchase any mundane item you wish to during or between adventures. ​ 
-  * Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: giving a hefty bribe to an official, chartering a caravan to take you somewhere, paying a specialist for services, hiring several grunts to do a simple off-screen task. 
-===Wealth 3=== 
-//Cost: 50 favour// 
-  * You are extremely wealthy. You can obtain any generic item you wish to acquire, with the exception of instilled items and black ichor. ​ 
-  * Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: giving an opulent bribe to a senior official, hire an extravagant caravan to travel in great luxury or speed, hiring a group of specialists or an expert in their field, hiring a small army or an elite squadron to accomplish an off-screen task. 
-  * For one as wealthy as you, if the opportunity arises, you may have the option to leverage your wealth to establish a lasting legacy. ​ 
 =====Contact Skills===== =====Contact Skills=====
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   * These skills are typically unlocked after you have done something to impress the given organisation on an adventure.   * These skills are typically unlocked after you have done something to impress the given organisation on an adventure.
   * These skills cost favour in addition to their XP cost.   * These skills cost favour in addition to their XP cost.
 +  * You can purchase contacts skills multiple times with different organisations. ​
 ====Level 1====  ====Level 1==== 
 ===Affiliate=== ===Affiliate===
-//​Cost: ​10 favour//+//​Cost: ​favour//\\
   * You have basic contacts with an organisation.   * You have basic contacts with an organisation.
   * You can generally get to see someone relatively important within the organisation.   * You can generally get to see someone relatively important within the organisation.
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 ===Respected=== ===Respected===
-//​Cost: ​25 favour//+//Pre-Req: Affiliate//​\\ 
 +//​Cost: ​10 favour//
   * You have begun to attain some degree of power and respect in your organisation. ​   * You have begun to attain some degree of power and respect in your organisation. ​
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 ===Influence=== ===Influence===
-//​Cost: ​50 favour//+//Pre-Req: Respected//​\\ 
 +//​Cost: ​20 favour ​Requires GM approval//
   * Your opinion has great weight within the organisation. ​   * Your opinion has great weight within the organisation. ​
general_skills.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/06 11:32 by gm_seb