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playground:playground [2018/08/19 09:23]
playground:playground [2019/02/10 15:22] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== PlayGround ====== ====== PlayGround ======
Line 36: Line 38:
 [[https://​​thQd1KYCgKU]] - living in your pre-war apartment\\ [[https://​​thQd1KYCgKU]] - living in your pre-war apartment\\
 [[https://​​watch?​v=81EQ16UqhZg]] - The Watcher ((Tom I can't believe I didn't click this on my phone in case it made a noise and now I am back home my angery react is magnified onethousandfold))\\ [[https://​​watch?​v=81EQ16UqhZg]] - The Watcher ((Tom I can't believe I didn't click this on my phone in case it made a noise and now I am back home my angery react is magnified onethousandfold))\\
 +=== Correct IC Muse Hymns ===
 === Garrek Is Become === === Garrek Is Become ===
Line 43: Line 52:
   * Has an annoying little shit following him around   * Has an annoying little shit following him around
   * Loves chili dogs [unconfirmed]   * Loves chili dogs [unconfirmed]
playground/playground.1534670603.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/08/19 09:23 by sallyo