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resources:bestiary [2019/02/10 20:47]
jc Arachnophilia monsters
resources:bestiary [2019/07/14 20:04]
katiem Added some Conflict Denizens
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   * Whenever you would have taken a STAGGER, HEAL 1.   * Whenever you would have taken a STAGGER, HEAL 1.
   * * **Special**:​ //​Countdown//​ When you drop from 7->6 hits, and from 4->3 hits, start counting down loudly from 10 to 0. When you hit 0, call MASS STAGGER. If another countdown is triggered when you're already counting down, restart from the newer one.   * * **Special**:​ //​Countdown//​ When you drop from 7->6 hits, and from 4->3 hits, start counting down loudly from 10 to 0. When you hit 0, call MASS STAGGER. If another countdown is triggered when you're already counting down, restart from the newer one.
 +====The Eriden Leviathan (Composite Monster) [DEAD]==== ​
 +No one has seen the full extent of these creature which lurks at the bottom of the Eriden, born from centuries of toxic effluence sinking and settling on the riverbed. Reports suggest that it has many claws, eyestalks, mouths and at least one giant eye. \\ 
 +//Updated: It seems that the Eriden Leviathan sadly died some time after the transportation of the cities, starved of the ichor waste on which it lived. Its corpse was harvested by the Commission for useful essence.//
 +**Giant claws**
 +  * 6 hits
 +  * 1 WOUND 
 +  * Two weapons
 +  * 8 hits
 +  * **Special:​** //​Teamwork//​ Work in pairs with a FEAR every 10s, alternating. 4s concentration to call SINGLE at someone feared by the other eye.
 +**Giant eye**
 +  * 10 hits
 +  * IMMUNE all calls
 +  * Charge up 20s for a SINGLE REPEL beam
 +**Beak Mouths**
 +  * 6 hits
 +  * 2 WOUND
 +  * **Special:​** //Consume// HEAL 0 players who go down and spend 30s concentrating to swallow them.
 =====Outside the Embrace===== =====Outside the Embrace=====
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   * 4 dodges   * 4 dodges
   * 1 STUN by melee.   * 1 STUN by melee.
 +=== Sycophant ===
 +  * Your job is to big up your boss and make them seem more impressive. ​ Attach to a braggart and echo things they say.  You’re the LeFou to their Gaston and should remain loyal right up to the point where they start losing, at which point attach yourself to their opponent and follow them around, backing them up instead. ​ Avoid combat if possible, you’re super weak.
 +  * 3 hits
 +  * ZERO by blow
 +  * Daggers
 +  * **Special:​** //​Bootlicking//​ - Once per 20s you can compliment your lead to call HEAL 1.
 +  * **AI:** //Limpet// - You’re just here to stroke the ego of whoever you’re with in the hope of power in the future. ​ You have no true allegiance and will change to the most impressive person available.
 +=== Jellyfish of Hate ===
 +  * 12 hits
 +  * 1 weapon, flail around with it
 +  * **AI:** //​Brainless//​ - You are not sentient and as such float about, bouncing off the walls.
 +=== Jellyfish of Spite ===
 +  * 12 hits
 +  * 1 weapon with ZERO STUN by blow
 +  * **AI:** //​Brainless//​ - You are not sentient and as such float about, bouncing off the walls.
 ==== Level 2 ==== ==== Level 2 ====
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   * **Special:​** //Salvage// On a downed player, call HEAL X on a friendly target (including yourself) for every second of mutilation you perform. ​ Don’t call EXECUTE!   * **Special:​** //Salvage// On a downed player, call HEAL X on a friendly target (including yourself) for every second of mutilation you perform. ​ Don’t call EXECUTE!
 +=== Braggart ===
 +  * 7 hits
 +  * One weapon, preferably rapiers
 +  * **Special:​** //Single Minded// - Pick an opponent. ​ Only they may fight you.  Call DODGE to all damage from others.
 +  * **Special:​** //Proud// - While you are more impressive than your opponent, have a DODGE every 5s.
 +  * **AI:** //​Respectful//​ - You are under the permanent effect of FEAR from anyone who is more impressive than you
 +=== Storm Scout ===
 +  * 6 hits
 +  * 1 weapon
 +  * 2 DISAPPEARING DODGE (as you fly back into the sky) followed by MASS STAGGER upon landing
 +=== Tempest Scout ===
 +  * 6 hits
 +  * 1 weapon
 +  * 10s of cackling and praising the Lady of Storms to call DOUBLE STAGGER at range
 +=== Strike Scout ===
 +  * 10 hits
 +  * Large Shield (IMMUNE calls that hit this)
 +  * Whistle loudly as you head into the middle of a group and then stop, perfectly silent as you count in your head to 10 and then call MASS DOUBLE STAGGER, MASS DOUBLE STAGGER, MASS DOUBLE STAGGER and disappear.
 +  * 2 waves.
 +=== Storm Gate (Composite) ===
 +  * 12 hits
 +    * Front line of JUST SHIELDS
 +    * Mid line of SWORDS
 +    * Back line of POLEARMS
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   * Fights with a spear   * Fights with a spear
   * Pings Throne   * Pings Throne
 +===== The Unbroken Chain =====
 +==== Level 2 ====
 +=== Conflict Binder Type A ===
 +  * 6 hits
 +  * Every 3 hits call STAGGER
 +  * Once call STAGGER for free on top of that
 +=== Conflict Binder Type B ===
 +  * 6 hits
 +  * Every 3 hits call REPEL
 +  * Once call REPEL for free on top of that
 +=== Connection Binder ===
 +  * 5 hits
 +  * Ranged Healing
 +  * Cast HEAL FULL once at range
 +=== Conflict Emu ===
 +  * 10 hits
 +  * **AI:** //Eat it// - Prioritise Connection denizens and snacking on the players’ stuff.
 +  * **Special:​** //I’ll Eat Anything// - 10s of eating roleplay to eat anything. ​ Just.  Just eat it.  If you eat the Philosopher’s Stone, call TIME FREEZE and congrats you are now an Omega Emu.  An Emuga if you will.
 +  * **Special:​** //I’ll Yeet Anything// - Once you’ve eaten something, you may call STAGGER at range as you throw it from your mouth. ​ Just. Just yeet it.
 +  * **Special:​** //If you can’t see me…// - Instantly go into Stealth once by sticking your head in the sand.
 +=== Perfection Kiwi ===
 +  * 1 hit
 +  * Backstab at will
 +  * Short weapons
 +  * **Special:​** //Shy// - 6 reactive SELF-STASIS instead of being hit
 +  * **AI:** //Stupid// - Lose interest on anything not in your immediate vicinity ​
 +=== Unbroken Chain Bats ===
 +  * 5 hits
 +  * 3 DODGE
 +  * **Special:​** //I AM THE MID-AFTERNOON.// ​ 3 Stealths. ​ You may move while Stealthed so long as you go “EEE! ​ EEE!  EEE!” as you do.  If you don’t move you do not have to go “EEE! EEE! EEE!”
resources/bestiary.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/02 13:11 by katiem