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resources:upcomingadventures [2019/09/12 17:52]
resources:upcomingadventures [2020/04/29 08:20] (current)
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 | ^Date^GM^Level^Title^Brief^ | ^Date^GM^Level^Title^Brief^
-^Michaelmas|14/​09/​2019 \\ -4th Week |George|Mid-High|Ultima Ratio Regum|Exceptional individuals are sought to storm the God-Emperor'​s R&D laboratories. They can't stop all of us.| +LARP CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 OUTBREAK ​^^^^^^
-^Michaelmas|21/​09/​2019 \\ -3rd Week |Fed|???​|Plain Undiplomatic| +
-^Michaelmas|28/​09/​2019 \\ -2nd Week |George|Mid|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|05/​10/​2019 \\ -1st Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|12/​10/​2019 \\ 0th Week (Same weekend as Regenesis) |Mat|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|19/10/2019 \\ 1st Week |Dan|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|26/​10/​2019 \\ 2nd Week |Sally|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|02/​11/​2019 \\ 3rd Week |Katie|High|Trouble at the Ichorwerks VIII|Something'​s hell-benten revenge| +
-^Michaelmas|09/​11/​2019 \\ 4th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|16/​11/​2019 \\ 5th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|23/​11/​2019 \\ 6th Week |Seb|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|30/​11/​2019 \\ 7th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|07/​12/​2019 \\ 8th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|14/​12/​2019 \\ 9th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|21/​12/​2019 \\ 10th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
-^Michaelmas|28/​12/​2019 \\ 11th Week |???​|???​|???​| +
resources/upcomingadventures.1568310779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/12 17:52 by gm_seb