Alternatively, at GM discretion, this ability can be used to fully illuminate an area or allow everyone in the encounter to see properly.
You can burn your life essence rather than succumb to weakness.
You may use this act reactively to do the following:
Take a TRIPLE to gain a RESIST.
Concentrate for 5s, you may then use this Act:
No Further!
Concentrate for 3s as you plant both feet in the ground, you may then use this Act:
So long as you do not move your feet:
You may call REPEL by melee.
Call IMMUNE to any effect that would force you to move.
Moving your feet ends the effect of this Act.
Making any other call (except RESIST or VOID or IMMUNE) ends the effect of this Act.
You have made an icon to the Muse you follow.
Twice per adventure you may use this to attempt to divine the Muse's opinion on a matter.
You must phrase your enquiry in the form: what does (MUSE) feel about (TOPIC).
Responses usually take the form of complex visions or emotions.
Icons are hard to lose or break.
If either occurs, they will likely find their way back to the paladin, restored, after a couple of encounters.
Paladins of the Torch typically carry some form of light source as their icon.
This light will never go out.
When carrying this icon, the paladin is IMMUNE to FEAR.
Sense Devotion
You may sense other paladins or Muses.
In addition, you can tell whether a paladin you meet is following the same path as you.
At GM discretion, you can sense significant acts which have taken place recently in the vicinity.
Pre-req: Icon
You can use your Icon to draw your Muse's attention more closely.
Once per adventure, you may call THE TORCH IS WATCHING.
For the rest of the encounter, your Muse will be observing what takes place and judging your actions accordingly.
Holy Intent (Downtime)
You may ceremonially declare a goal that you are pursuing.
Once per encounter, when in pursuit of your goal, you may call HEAL 4 on yourself or a member of your party.
Furthermore, word will quickly spread through Rastaban that this declaration has been made and that you made it.
You may also receive other effects at GM discretion.
You may only have one Holy Intent.
Performing this ceremony again can end the declaration or re-target it.
Gain 2 Might.
Once per adventure may perform a great feat within your Muse's purview.
For example, you may guide another to acceptance of a difficult truth, permanently banish a source of metaphysical darkness, or protect those who are weaker or more vulnerable than you. Consult a GM.
There are also two standard combat applications of this feat that you may use without GM consultation:
Gain a WOUND by melee against each monster physrep in the encounter.
Alternatively, you may use this ability once ever to retire your character.
Your body is consumed in flame, in an act of ritual sacrifice.
What follows next will depend upon your relationship with your Muse, and the situation, but you should at the very least expect it will result in your party being fully healed and gaining defensive calls.
Your Muse will be watching what follows.
Icon Attunement
Pre-req: Icon
Your icon gives you a limited ability to gauge the conviction of others.
Twice per adventure, you may cast the light of your icon over another.
You will learn of something that this person fears.
Further information may be provided at GM discretion.
In addition, once per adventure, you may regain all your lost Might. Roleplay this accordingly.
Gain 2 Might.
Help the Helpless
While you are within sword reach of an ally who is bleeding out;
And you are actively fighting to defend them:
This counts as medical roleplay for you with the ally as your patient.
Medical roleplay takes twice as long to perform when delivered in this way.
Gain 2 Might.
Echoes of Self
Pre-req: Icon Attunement
For one encounter per adventure, your icon bursts into flames as your heart blossoms with conviction.
Whenever you are on 0 hits, you may lose 2 maximum hit points to call HEAL 10 on yourself.
You may not fall below 0 maximum hits in this way.
At the end of the encounter, your maximum hits return to normal.
Personal Vow
You may, once ever, make a personal vow.
This represents your unique relationship to your Muse.
When you purchase this skill, contact the LARPO.
Together we will work out the advantages and drawbacks of this vow.