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  • Favour represents your influence and social cache within Rastaban.
  • It also represents your ability to get things that you want and achieve your goals within the City.
  • Some skills - like Wealth and Contacts - cost Favour in addition to XP.
  • Favour may be traded between players and NPCs.
  • Typically, players will be compensated in Favour for their assistance on any adventure.
  • As a rule of thumb, average pay is Favour equal to your level.

The Language of Favour

  • Though exchanges of favour are a commonplace occurrence in Rastaban, it is considered extremely rude and unbecoming of a Citizen to ask for Favour directly.
  • As such, coded language exists to communicate the practice of Favour-exchange.

Offering Favour

The following phrases describe the offer of Favour to an individual, likely for a task or service performed.

  • “I would be grateful.” (1 Favour)
  • “I would be particularly grateful.” (2 Favour)
  • “I would be especially grateful.” (3 Favour)
  • “I would be exceedingly grateful.” (4 Favour)
  • “I would be eternally grateful.” (5 Favour)

Soliciting Favour

The following phrase is used when soliciting a particular amount of favour for a service rendered:

  • “I am seeking your (particular/especial/exceeding/eternal) gratitude”
  • (“I want 1/2/3/4/5 Favour.”)

Alternatively, the following phrase may be used to request Favour more strongly:

  • “You have incurred my (particular/especial/exceeding/eternal) displeasure.”
  • (“I want 1/2/3/4/5 Favour…or else.”)

Accepting Favour

The following phrases are used to accept a Favour-deal or to signal its conclusion.

  • “I will pursue your (particular/especial/exceeding/eternal) gratitude.”
  • (“I accept the Favour-deal, and promise to fulfill my part in it.”)
  • “Now you have my (particular/especial/exceeding/eternal) gratitude.”
  • (“Our deal is concluded. You will receive Favour as agreed.”)
  • “I will assuage your (particular/especial/exceeding/eternal) displeasure.”
  • (“I will pay you Favour to avoid these consequences.”)
  • “Now my (particular/especial/exceeding/eternal) displeasure is assuaged.”
  • (“I accept the Favour you offer; there will be no consequences.”)


Favour may be used to increase the situation in which you find yourself. If you are upgrading wealth you may minus the cost of the previous level from the one you are purchasing.

Comfortable 5

You have enough money to be comfortable, probably owning a townhouse somewhere in the city. During the adventure you can cover any minor expenses such as caravan fares, drinks in pubs, basic adventuring supplies etc. without issue.

Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: bribing a mook, buying passage aboard a caravan going to your destination, paying a specialist for information, paying a gang of urchins to accomplish a simple off-screen task.

Wealthy 15

Upgrades: Comfortable

You are wealthy. You most likely own a manor somewhere in the city with accompanying staff. You can purchase any mundane item you wish to during or between adventures.

Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: giving a hefty bribe to an official, chartering a caravan to take you somewhere, paying a specialist for services, hiring several grunts to do a simple off-screen task.

Extravagant 30

Upgrades: Wealthy

You are extremely wealthy. You can obtain any generic item you wish to acquire, with the exception of instilled items and black ichor. You also own an extravagant estate with accompanying staff.

Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: giving an opulent bribe to a senior official, hire an extravagant caravan to travel in great luxury or speed, hiring a group of specialists or an expert in their field, hiring a small army or an elite squadron to accomplish an off-screen task.

Buying your way out of trouble

As a rule of thumb the city is so extraordinarily corrupt that any amount of lawbreaking or trouble can be brought out of if only one has enough favour. The cost has more to do with how important the injured party is and how annoyed they are rather than scaling with severity although of course they may be linked.

Below is a rough guide for how much buying your way out of trouble may cost although is at the end of the day entirely up to GM discretion.

Affiliation Rank 0 1 2 3 4 Treason
Don't care000000
Care a bit011224
Care a lot1246816
Super pissed off248121632

Esoteric Items

Item with one instilment 4

Instilled items are relatively common within Rastaban due to it's long history. Pick an item and one quality

Item with two instillments 10

Instilled items are relatively common within Rastaban due to it's long history. Pick an item and two qualities

Erosion's Gift 1

A small vial containing a dark blue liquid. Consuming it leads to a strong affliction of the body which halves the users hits (rounded up) every encounter ongoing.

Black Ichor 3

Exactly what it sounds like, mainly so expensive because highly illegal.

Philosopher's stone 30

Said to be able to transmute any substance and grant eternal life. These crystals do not exist but if found should be turned over to the commission.

Dreamer's Skull 10

A pair of matching skulls which seem slightly too large to have been human. They confer a permanent mindlink between the two owners. This seems like most communication to be disrupted by the forest.


Services may be brought in downtime or during adventures. Below are some rough guidelines for common things.

  • Gaining a mutation - 2 Favour
  • Having a Minor ritual performed - 1 Favour
  • Having a Moderate ritual performed - 2 Favour
  • Having a Major ritual performed - 4 Favour
  • Healing a Feeble Affliction - 1 Favour
  • Healing a Strong Affliction - 2 Favour
  • Healing a Severe Affliction - 4 Favour
favour.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/30 20:35 by gm_matthew