LARP is something in which we participate to have fun. Above all else, out of character, participants should be kind and respectful and seek to create a positive environment in which all participating can have a good time.
LARP is a high-adrenaline activity that deals heavily with issues of conflict both emotional and physical. We encourage all participants to check in with each other periodically OC to help ensure their comfort.
Sometimes players may be uncomfortable with roleplaying around certain subjects. If someone asks you to stop roleplaying around a certain issue, then you should do so in order to maintain an environment in which all participants are comfortable. The Safety call 'TELEVISION' may also be used in circumstances where a participant feels uncomfortable in this way and needs some space immediately.
In combat, different players are comfortable with different levels of force. If someone says you are hitting them too hard, then you are hitting them too hard, and should begin pulling your blows more.
Costume, makeup and other physrepping is usually not compulsory, but can increase enjoyment of the game, and is thus encouraged. The club has some basic costume that can be borrowed on request.
During time in, both players and monsters should attempt to behave in an appropriately IC manner when IC. Participants may raise two fingers in the air if matters need to be discussed OOC, or use one of the appropriate safety calls.
Defeated monsters who do not wish to continue roleplaying should move to one side, and refrain from activities that would break player immersion.
Animus has a relaxed attitude to players discussing IC events OOC.
So long as there is an IC justification, players can assume that they may IC know about the outcomes of adventures that publicly affect the game world.
GMs and LARPOs may have access to hidden information about the setting or metaplot. This information should not be discussed or shared with participants without prior approval of the LARPO.
Rules Queries
If someone asks a question about the rules of the game, answers that are provided should be given in a respectful and neutral manner. There is nothing shameful about asking questions or not knowing the rules.
If you suspect that someone is not taking their hits correctly, or interpreting the rules (e.g. for a call) incorrectly, you should raise this with them in a private and respectful manner between encounters (or with a GM if you feel uncomfortable doing so).
The chances are that they are simply having a difficult time keeping track of things, or have made a genuine mistake, rather than trying to gain an unfair advantage.
Player versus player (PVP)
We recognise that, generally speaking, adventures are most enjoyable for players and monsters alike when a party works together for the sake of achieving a common goal, despite natural differences that will occur.
In addition, Animus is not designed to facilitate player vs player combat.
As such, we encourage participants to handle PVP through social conflict, political maneuvering, and snark, which are supported by the setting.
However, sometimes the most appropriate thing for a player to do is to respond to an IC event with violence against another player. This kind of action is entirely acceptable.
We would ask, however, that our players are careful to not generate characters specifically with the goal of PVP combat in mind, and, furthermore, if they do seek to participate in PVP, to find participants who would enthusiastically enjoy the prospect rather than players who dislike it.
When putting together the player party for an adventure, including characters between whom PVP is inevitable will be avoided as much as is possible.
Character Death
We foresee character death as an inevitable part of a high-combat linear system.
Character death is an IC event, and should lead to no OOC recriminations.
The monster party exist primarily to create fun game for the players, whether this be through providing appropriate challenge through encounters, playing compelling NPCs, or just generally bringing the adventure to life.
This is the guiding principle on which all monster behaviour should be based.
That said, Monstering should be fun and enjoyable as well, and the GMs should facilitate this as one of their primary concerns.
Be careful when choosing weapons that the set up you have will provide an enjoyable fight for both sides. In particular, polearms and shields should be chosen with care, as they are hard to fight against with some weapon combinations.
Unless you have been specifically briefed otherwise, monsters should never attack or execute a PC who is unconscious or on their death count.
If monsters feel that the players are having a tough time of things, or if they are not being challenged sufficiently, they should discuss this matter with the GM in charge of the monster party.
Running a LARP
Anyone can run a LARP, as long as they organise a slot with the LARPO.
A participant should study the GM Guide before pitching a LARP, and should adhere to the guidance within.
The GM should take care that the adventure fits appropriately with the setting, themes, and overarching narrative of Animus.
A GM should not run a LARP that advantages one of their own PCs, or features them in any major role.
The LARPOs would greatly appreciate seeing adventures in advance to minimize any potential issues and additional downtime on the day.
Player Slots
The nature of linear LARP means that sometimes, everyone who wants to play cannot.
As a rule of thumb, those who monstered last time they attended LARP should be given preference, with due consideration given to whether or not someone has not played for a long time.
On a character request LARP, the requesting character's preference should also be taken into consideration.
Ultimately assigning player slots should be a negotiation between all participants to reach an outcome everyone is comfortable with.
Infrequent Players
Although those participants who are able to attend every week will have an advantage (in terms of XP), we do not want the inability to attend LARP every week, or only at certain times of the year, to form a barrier to participating meaningfully in Animus.
To this end, we are happy to catch any infrequent players up on the current status of the world, as well as suggesting hooks to keep their characters relevant. Please feel free to reach out to your GM about this.
We will also reach out to players proactively if we see an adventure coming up which appears to be useful for that character's goals.
Furthermore, we will focus on rolling out arc plot predominately in term time or at 36-hr events.
Retired Characters
It is possible for PCs to be made unplayable in such a way as not to kill them or remove them from the setting.
Such retired characters may feature in the game setting, or on subsequent LARPs.
Characters retired in this way are effectively NPCs, and the original phsyrep has no special claim to be able to play them on LARPs or direct their actions.
GMs should be respectful of the PCs characterisation, however, and should consult the original physrep or their designated LARPO where it is unclear how to stay true to their character.
Feedback and Accountability
In Animus, every player will be assigned one of the two LARPOs.
Much like a society game GM, this designated LARPO will be responsible for remembering what that players PC's deals are, what their goals are, and with making sure that they are remembered within the wider narrative.
If a participant has an query or issue with something that has happened to one of their PCs, they should speak to their designated LARPO.
In addition, the designated LARPO may always be approached if a player is ever having problems with a person or element of the game making them uncomfortable.
If a player feels there is an issue with the LARPO, they should feel free to speak to the other LARPO, or with the President of OURPGsoc directly.