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General Skills

General skills are available to people from all classes.

Weapon Skills

  • NB: You may only gain the benefits of the Weapon Talent and Weapon Mastery skills for one weapon each encounter.

Level 1

Weapon Specialisation

You may purchase each Weapon Specialisation skill once.

  • Balanced: Gain a RESIST. You can only use this RESIST when on full hits.
  • Unbalanced: Certain triggers cause you to gain a STAGGER which you must use immediately on your next melee blow with that weapon. At the start of combat: gain a STAGGER. Every time you drop an enemy to 0 hits: gain a STAGGER. Whenever you drop to 0 hits: gain a STAGGER.
  • Dagger: You may call BACKSTAB. You must wait 10s before using this ability with the same weapon hand again, during which time you cannot unequip this weapon.
  • Great Weapon: You may treat any blows which hit your forearms as hitting your weapon, so long as those forearms are holding the weapon.
  • Spear: When hit by a REPEL, you may lose 3 hits to gain a RESIST which you must call immediately.
  • Staff: When you drop someone to 0 hits with this weapon: you may call HEAL 0 on them.
  • Throwing Weapon: Whenever you hit someone with a throwing weapon, you may call WOUND.

Level 2

Weapon Focus

Pre-req: Weapon Specialization

You may purchase each Weapon Focus skill once.
This skill grants access to a number of weapon calls per encounter, depending on the type of weapon you choose to wield.
These calls must be delivered by melee.

  • Balanced: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.
  • Unbalanced: Gain 2 STUN per encounter.
  • Dagger: Gain 3 WOUND per encounter.
  • Great Weapon: Gain 1 STAGGER per encounter.
  • Spear: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.
  • Staff: Gain 1 REPEL per encounter.
  • Throwing Weapons: When you have a throwing weapon readied, you may call IMMUNE to any effect calls which hit the forearm holding your throwing weapon.

Level 4

Weapon Mastery

Pre-req: Weapon Focus

You may purchase each Weapon Mastery skill once.
This skill grants access to a number of weapon calls per encounter, depending on the type of weapon you choose to wield.
These calls must be delivered by melee.

  • Balanced: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.
  • Unbalanced: Gain 1 STAGGER. Every time you drop an enemy, regain 1 hit.
  • Dagger: Gain 2 WOUND. You may call IMMUNE to any call which hits your dagger.
  • Great Weapon: Gain 1 STUN per encounter.
  • Spear: Gain 1 WOUND per encounter.
  • Staff: Gain 1 STUN per encounter.
  • Throwing Weapon: The first time you run out of throwing weapons each encounter, gain 1 AGILITY.

Fighting Style Skills

  • You may only adopt one Fighting Style at a time.
  • You must be using the appropriate Fighting Style to gain the benefit of any of the Fighting Style Skills within that style.

Shield Fighter

Uses a Shield in the off-hand

Level 1

Use Buckler

  • You may use a buckler in either hand.
  • You may use a buckler to block damage.

Use Medium Shield

  • You may use a medium shield in either hand.
  • While using a medium shield, you may only take one small step every 1s ('shield pace').
  • Three times per encounter, you may use this ability:
    • For the next 10s, you may move as normal.

Use Large Shield

  • You may use a large shield in either hand.
  • While using a large shield, you may only take one small step every 1s ('shield pace').

Level 2

Buckler Expertise

Pre-Req: Use Buckler

  • You can call IMMUNE to any effect call which hits a buckler you are holding.

Medium Shield Expertise

  • You may move as normal while holding a medium shield in both hands, with no weapon in either hand.
  • Once per encounter, you gain an AGILITY which you may take while holding a shield in both hands with no weapon in either hand.
    • If you stop holding the shield in both hands, this AGILITY expires early.

Large Shield Expertise

  • You may move as normal while holding a large shield in both hands, with no weapon in either hand.


Uses a weapon in the off-hand

Level 1


  • You can use two weapons.
  • If you have the Weapon Specialisation skill for the type of weapon held in your off-hand, you gain the benefits of that skill for your off-hand weapon, too.

Level 2


Pre-req: Ambidex

  • If you have the Weapon Talent or Weapon Mastery skills for the type of weapon held in your off-hand, you gain the benefits of these skills for your off-hand weapon, too.
  • You may only gain the Weapon Talent and Weapon Expertise skills for one weapon held in your off-hand this way per encounter.

Single Weapon Focus

Equips nothing in the off-hand

  • When you adopt the Single Weapon Focus fighting style, you may not hold a weapon or shield your off-hand for the rest of the encounter.
  • You may still throw Ichorwerk with your off-hand.
  • This hand still counts as a free hand for the purposes of spellcasting and other non-weapon abilities.

Level 1

Resolute Companion

  • When you adopt this fighting style: gain one DODGE against every monster physrep.

Level 2


Pre-req: Resolute Companion

  • When you adopt this fighting style: you may triple any remaining weapon calls from the Weapon Talent and Weapon Mastery skills for this weapon.

Level 2

Body Skills

Level 1


  • +2 hits


  • Whenever being healed (by HEAL or FIGHT ON) from 0 hits,
  • You may take an AGILITY.

Level 2


  • +2 hits

Beast of Burden

  • You may carry extraordinary amounts without it slowing you down.
  • You may carry as much as a horse and cart without suffering any penalty.

Level 4


  • +2 hits


Pre-req: Tough & Tough & Tough

  • Gain one RESIST per encounter.

Psyche Skills

Level 1

Strong Willed

  • +2 psyche.
  • In addition, once per encounter, when taking an offensive effect call while Concentrating:
  • This does not break Concentration, and you may continue to Concentrate successfully throughout the duration of this call.
  • Optionally, you may call 'STRONG WILL', to indicate this has occurred.

Level 2

Strong Willed

  • +2 psyche.
  • In addition, once per encounter, when taking an offensive effect call while Concentrating:
  • This does not break Concentration, and you may continue to Concentrate successfully throughout the duration of this call.
  • Optionally, you may call 'STRONG WILL', to indicate this has occurred.

Level 4

Strong Willed

  • +2 psyche.
  • In addition, once per encounter, when taking an offensive effect call while Concentrating:
  • This does not break Concentration, and you may continue to Concentrate successfully throughout the duration of this call.
  • Optionally, you may call 'STRONG WILL', to indicate this has occurred.


Pre-req: Strong Willed & Strong Willed & Strong Willed

  • Gain one RESIST per encounter.

Utility Skills

Level 1

Healer (Downtime)

  • You may diagnose diseases and mundane poisons.
  • You may also come up with a treatment regimen which can cure feeble potency afflictions of the body between encounters.
  • As a downtime action: you can devise a treatment regimen to cure a strong affliction of the body.


  • With 10s medical roleplay you may call HEAL 4 to someone on their death count.


  • With 10s medical roleplay you may call HEAL 2 to someone.


Pre-req: Healer & Revive & Invigorate

  • You may attempt to treat afflictions between encounters.
  • You also have a greater understanding of the healing arts.
  • You can perform autopsies to attempt to discern information from dead bodies.
  • You may cure strong afflictions of the body between encounters.


  • You can understand the shape and nature of spiritual maladies.
  • You can devise a treatment regimen which can cure feeble potency afflictions of the soul between encounters.


  • You have been trained in ciphers.
  • You can recognize and understand most common ciphers and have the ability to devise your own or attempt to decrypt more esoteric ones.
  • You can assume that any written communication you undertake is encrypted.
  • Additionally, you understand the meanings of most esoteric symbols and any organisations with which they are associated.


  • You may disguise yourself such that you do not look like yourself and are also not obviously disguised.
  • You may also, with the right costume, disguise yourself as a member of a group:
    • You can generally pass as a member of this group as long as you don’t behave inappropriately or bump into a real member of the group.
  • You are adept at hiding items upon your person. Only a thorough and invasive search will uncover them.


  • You are skilled at hiding.
    • You may start a combat in Stealth if you wish.
    • After 10 seconds of enhanced concentration, you may call DISAPPEARING as you hide.
    • This enhanced concentration is broken by taking damage, moving, making calls, and attacking.
    • You must crouch as though you were taking a STAGGER.
    • You may not move while under the effect of this DISAPPEARING call.
    • You may end this DISAPPEARING at will by dropping your fingers and spending 2 seconds without making calls, moving, or attacking.

Escape Artist

  • You are a hard person to imprison.
  • You can trivially slip out of mundane bonds with 60s concentration.
  • You can pick any standard lock with 60 seconds concentration.
  • You can understand the requirements or principles behind any complicated lock you encounter.
  • In addition, once per adventure, when you find yourself in enemy hands, you may use this ability:
    • You discover a plausible method of escape for yourself and your allies.


  • You are a skilled climber.
  • At the start of each encounter, gain an AGILITY, which you may use after 2s concentration.
    • This represents you climbing to gain an advantage in combat.


  • You are particularly adept at surviving in wilderness terrain.
  • Whilst in the wilderness you gain a DODGE.
  • You may also ask the GM before an encounter if you know anything about what you are about to encounter. If they are native to the region the GM should give you some useful information.
  • Whilst in terrain for which you have the survivalist skill you may range ahead of the party and may start any encounter in which you are not surprised anywhere within the region of the encounter as long as you are at least 5m away from the nearest monster.
  • You are adept at tracking within wilderness terrain.

Forest Ranger

Pre-Req: Survivalist

  • You are an expert on the ways of the Forest and the creatures it contains.
  • You gain the benefit of Survivalist when in the Forest of Loss.
  • Once per encounter, you may call RESIST to a CURSE delivered by a Forest creature.


  • You are particularly adept at surviving in urban terrain.
  • Gain a DODGE while in urban terrain.
  • You may also ask the GM before an encounter if you know anything about what you are about to encounter. If they are native to the region the GM should give you some useful information.
  • Whilst in terrain for which you have the streetwise skill you may range ahead of the party and may start any encounter in which you are not surprised anywhere within the region of the encounter as long as you are at least 5m away from the nearest monster.
  • You are adept at tracking within urban terrain.

Stomping Ground

Pre-req: Streetwise

  • When you purchase this skill, pick a District of Rastaban (other than the Imperial District).
  • You know this District like the back of your hand.
    • You can find shortcuts to travel quickly or unseen through your area.
    • You generally know the location of important and useful people within your area.
    • You can find somebody who is well-disposed to you within your area.
    • You understand the nuances of how law is enforced in your area, and can leverage this when under arrest.

Find a Buyer (Downtime)

Pre-req: Stomping Ground

  • You can generally find a buyer for basic goods.
  • As a Downtime action: you can sell a secret or other expensive good to gain Favour.

Find a Collector (Downtime)

Pre-req: Find a Buyer

  • You can find a buyer for more esoteric or forbidden items.
  • As a Downtime action: you can sell an esoteric or forbidden item to gain Favour or something of equivalent value.
  • Such an action is not without risk.


  • When you purchase this skill, choose a relatively broad subject:
  • Your character is well informed on the ins and outs of it.

Scholar (Downtime)

Pre-req: Knowledge

  • You are a scholar within your area of expertise.
  • Within this area your word is given more weight.
  • As a Downtime action: you may publish your latest research.
    • This downtime action guarantees a good circulation of your work throughout Rastaban, especially to those who would take an interest in your findings.

Wealth Skills

  • These skills represent your character gaining material resources at the cost of influence within the city.
  • These skills cost favour in addition to XP.

Level 1

Wealth 1

Cost: 10 favour.

  • You have enough money to be comfortable, probably owning a townhouse somewhere in the city. During the adventure you can cover any minor expenses such as caravan fares, drinks in pubs, basic adventuring supplies etc. without issue.
  • Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: bribing a mook, buying passage aboard a caravan going to your destination, paying a specialist for information, paying a gang of urchins to accomplish a simple off-screen task.

Wealth 2

Cost: 25 favour

  • You are wealthy. You most likely own a manor somewhere in the city. You can purchase any mundane item you wish to during or between adventures.
  • Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: giving a hefty bribe to an official, chartering a caravan to take you somewhere, paying a specialist for services, hiring several grunts to do a simple off-screen task.

Wealth 3

Cost: 50 favour

  • You are extremely wealthy. You can obtain any generic item you wish to acquire, with the exception of instilled items and black ichor.
  • Once per adventure, you may stretch your funds further, leveraging your wealth to attempt to solve a problem. Examples include: giving an opulent bribe to a senior official, hire an extravagant caravan to travel in great luxury or speed, hiring a group of specialists or an expert in their field, hiring a small army or an elite squadron to accomplish an off-screen task.
  • For one as wealthy as you, if the opportunity arises, you may have the option to leverage your wealth to establish a lasting legacy.

Contact Skills

  • Contacts represent your ability gain information from and influence the various organisations within the world.
  • These skills can only be brought with GM approval.
  • These skills are typically unlocked after you have done something to impress the given organisation on an adventure.
  • These skills cost favour in addition to their XP cost.

Level 1


Cost: 10 favour

  • You have basic contacts with an organisation.
  • You can generally get to see someone relatively important within the organisation.
  • Once per adventure the organisation will investigate a question and provide an answer for you (assuming it is something they can reasonably answer and would trust you with).
  • You may also always ask your organisation if there is anything they want you to achieve on any given adventure.


Cost: 25 favour

  • You have begun to attain some degree of power and respect in your organisation.
  • You can, with effort, get to see the leaders of your organisation.
  • Once per adventure you may prevail upon the organisation to perform a minor task for you.


Cost: 50 favour

  • Your opinion has great weight within the organisation.
  • At this level you can influence the outcome of large decisions which the organisation makes.
  • Once per adventure you may prevail upon the organisation to perform a major task for you.
  • If the opportunity arises, you may have the option to retire into a position of unrivalled influence within your organisation. However, this is unlikely to be straightforward.
general_skills.1522319979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/29 10:39 by gm_seb