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Initial Brief


Warden Elias of Esteban calls for citizens to assist with tracking down an assailant who breached the Gateway. Further details are available on application.

Productive citizens are certain to earn at least the Warden’s especial gratitude for their help with this task.



  • Elias informs the party that there has been a break-in to Gateway. The intruder entered the building high above the Barrens quarter, cutting a square out of the Gateway with their sword, and jumped down from there into the district. Here they seem to have pursued someone or something, stuck their sword in the air - or so it seemed - and then, having done this - they fled the way they had come.
  • The individual must have been very powerful to overcome the natural defences of Gateway.
  • Elias wants the nature of the individual and the source of their power comprehended, and for Gateway to be seen to be secured against outside threat especially in the current political climate. People must feel safe.
  • Elias introduces the party to two strangers from Eustragath who will be lending their assistance - Meryt and Shesh, two siblings. They have been tracking the individual in question for some time and want to see him saved.
  • Meryt - adorned with spears - explains that the assailant was their younger brother, Yuya. He fell into a terrible sickness, unable to love the world, unable to hope for the future, feeling that he was insignificant and meaningless. He created an item as a labour of frantic desperation - a sword which would grant one who was denied their legacy a second chance to fulfil it, and the power to do so.
  • The sword betrayed him and 'possessed' his body. Meryt explains the concept of the mind and the body. The mind of Yuya was sent into the sword, and the mind of the sword took control of Yuya.
  • The plan is to send the party's minds into the sword and to free Yuya's mind from within, restoring his body to him.
  • Shesh - silent, and wearing a creepy wooden puppet mask - nods assent.
  • The party make their way through a connection incursion in the locality caused by the fear of death bubbling up from Gateway in the wake of the Empire's declaration of war.
  • The citizens then encounter an Empire patrol, on their way east towards Eustragath. Initially, they submit to travelling with them to an inspection station, but then decide to overpower them.
  • Now in Eustragath, the party meet up with a Hand - a family unit of small nomads. There is mistwalker who seems like a Paladin, a starborn child with strange powers, a chronicler who speaks legends, and others. An eerie, catchy, music plays. The party are warned that this is an Engine of the Gods, a divine artefact worthy of awe and respect (but not worship) - and they must under no circumstances dance.
  • Shenanigans ensue. Many of the party begin floating. Garrek gets stuck dancing and has to be unstuck.



resources/adventure/legacy.1537609514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/22 09:45 by gm_seb