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Forest Touched (★)


  • 12 hits
  • 8 psyche
  • 1 RESIST
  • Wields Great Weapon: You may treat any blows which hit your forearms as hitting your weapon, so long as those forearms are holding the weapon.
  • Affiliation: Foresters Guild, Lyra's Blessed
  • Home District: Outside the Embrace

Class Feature: Outcast

  • Forest Touched are treated with suspicion and fear throughout Rastaban. Only in the Forester's Guild, and Outside the Embrace, does this fear and suspicion ease off.
  • In those outer places, they understand the dangers the Forest poses, and appreciate how crucial the Forest Touched are in combating that peculiar menace.
  • Forest Touched typically fare worse than their counterparts in the social politics of the City. Services are harder to obtain; trust and kinship harder to earn.
  • In any situation where blame is equally likely to be attributed to any one of a number of people, and one of them is Forest Touched, then it is likely the Forest Touched will bear the blunt of the blame.

Class Feature: Affiliation

  • Gain the Affiliate skill for the Forester's Guild.

Class Feature: Survivor

You gain hits equal to (your psyche hits) minus 6.

Forest Touched Skills

Flesh Hard as Stone

  • Gain a RESIST.

Gift of Life

  • You may freely transfer body hits to anyone within sword reach.
  • Take X damage to call HEAL X to someone within sword reach.

Weapon Skills

Weapon Specialisation

  • Great Weapon: You may treat any blows which hit your forearms as hitting your weapon, so long as those forearms are holding the weapon.

Body Skills


  • +2 hits

Psyche Skills

Strong Willed

  • +2 psyche.
  • In addition, once per encounter, when taking an offensive effect call while Concentrating:
  • This does not break Concentration, and you may continue to Concentrate successfully throughout the duration of this call.
  • Optionally, you may call 'STRONG WILL', to indicate this has occurred.

Contacts Skills

Affiliate - Foresters Guild, Lyra's Blessed

  • You have basic contacts with an organisation.
  • You can generally get to see someone relatively important within the organisation.
  • Once per adventure the organisation will investigate a question and provide an answer for you (assuming it is something they can reasonably answer and would trust you with).
  • You may also always ask your organisation if there is anything they want you to achieve on any given adventure.
printandplay/forest_touched.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/26 19:18 by gm_seb