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Principle of Hierarchy

Initial Brief

Word drifts through the city that the Strategos Sophia Darling of the open sky chosen of the throne is looking for competent discrete individuals in order to undertake a mission critical to the coming glorious expansion of the empire.


  • Garrek - Alex
  • Quinn Anders - Florence
  • Jasine - Anna
  • Mordecai - Seb


The party are first briefed that the new Governor of the Blightwater principality which is what the empire is calling the northern most region which encompasses is due to be inaugurated at an event at their estate within the empire to the south. They are told to go to this event and steal as many powerful identities as they can.

The party first head out through the rundown tunnel network discovered to criss-cross the region. After encountering some grubs and fighting their way past some strange crystalline growths the party find themselves on the plains.

With several wheel paladins along they make swift progress and reach the wayroad before the legate of the army has passed. An ambush is set up involving a giant pit and using the powers of the wheel to forcefully relocate the convey allowing the party to defeat the legate and his bodyguards.

Mordecai steals the face of the legate who appears to be some form of Rod Paladin and the party head towards the estate. When they arrive they successfully bluff their way in as invited guests helped substantially by the fact Mordecai looks just like the Legate.

In a receiving chamber the party meet several notables: there is the Governor Elect Elizabeta; the local Archon Mallus; the High Archon Extranis; a local noble Jamalia and their functionary Terrigon. The party swiftly learn that the High Archon is here to brand the new governor with their symbols of office in a perfection ritual. As these marks are said to be very difficult to fake the party decide they need to kidnap and replace the governor elect before the ceremony. Fortunately the Governor leaves soon after to meditate before the ceremony in the local chapel. The party follow them their and Mordecai calling upon the power of the Rod attempts to rent the Governors mind Asunder, after a phykic combat he succeeds at this and the governor slumps to the floor a mindless husk, Jasine steals the face whilst Quinn disposes of the body and the group head back to the festivities.

They find a great feast underway but I missed this bit so don't know what happened. Eventually however the high Archon slumps over seemingly poisoned by something that Quinn identifies as the work of Erosion. With the High Archon seemingly frozen in place the Archon orders Mordecai who he believes to be the Legate to help him escort the high Archon to the Chapel where perhaps the God Emperor may be entreated to help them. The party set of towards the chapel but on the way Garrek forcefully teleports the entire group including the Archon to a nearby field so that ganking may commence. Unfortunately he also teleports a squad of ninja conflict weaver assassins who were lurking in wait in the corridor. After a swift battle however the party are able to dispatch these and then turn on the Archon slaying him before taking his face. Jasine then teleports the whole group back to where they were before anyone notices their absence.

The party enter the chapel but realise that with the Archon dead no-one is quite sure how to entreat the God Emperor to aid in the High Archon's recovery. Fortunately Jasine is able to use an embrace to give the High Archon enough freedom to make the entreaty themselves. This appears to be successful and a glowing figure begins to ascend from above, their very presence scours the parties minds as they attempt to comprehend. Merdecai and Quinn do not and lose the ability to quantify, Garrick and Jasine meanwhile gain some understanding of the God Emperor.

Healed the High Archon tells the group to meet them in the inner Sanctum


resources/adventure/principle_of_heirarchy.1548630513.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/27 23:08 by gm_matthew